Born and raised in Ohio, Bob Brown is a graduate of The University of Vermont where he studied geography, and Michigan State University from which he received a degree in college and university administration. A veteran cyclist with more than 40 years of touring and racing experience, Bob operated Adventure Bound Bicycle Tours, conducting summer bike trips for teenagers in the northeastern USA, France, and Canada. Bob’s experience operating Adventure Bound during his college years inspired his 30-year career in college admissions and secondary school guidance. Between jobs and during vacations, Bob hit the road, completing solo cross-country bike tours in the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. A lifelong cycling enthusiast, Bob has joined or established cycling clubs wherever he has resided and he is the founder of a community bicycle program in central Ohio. Since moving to Maine, he has been a volunteer mechanic and instructor at the Portland Gear Hub. In addition to cycling, Bob and his partner enjoy hiking, kayaking, and snowshoeing from their base in Freeport.