The Portland Gear Hub is a non-profit outdoor gear and bike shop powered by Ketcha Outdoors. The mission of the Gear Hub is to get more youth and adults outside and active by increasing access to affordable, reliable gear. We accomplish this by taking in donations of used outdoor equipment and bikes and doing full repairs before we resell them at affordable prices. Our knowledgeable staff and volunteers are here to help you choose a reliable commuter bike, custom-build your dream touring bike, outfit you with a tent and backpack for adventure, or size you into your first pair of cross-country skis.
All proceeds support youth and adult educational programming at the shop and Ketcha Outdoors. As a donation-based non-profit, our inventory is always changing. We receive new donations daily and process them as quickly as possible. Stop by often to see what’s new!
“PGH is far and away the best bike shop in town. The service is great, the mix of new and used parts keeps things economical, and the staff is amazingly welcome to everyone walking in the door which is too much of a rarity with bike shops.”
-Portland Gear Hub Bike Shop Customer
PGH at the Oxbow Beer Garden
The Portland Gear Hub is really excited to be back at The Oxbow Beer Garden Trails in Oxford, Maine this winter! We’ll be offering Cross-Country Skis & Snowshoes for rent at this fun location right on the trails! Hours are 11am – 4pm on Saturdays, & Sundays (depending on snow conditions) until April.
To increase access to bicycle education and programming, The Portland Gear Hub also operates a Bike School for both children and adults in the surrounding community. We are combining our Youth Earn-A-Bike (ages 12 – 18) and Bikes for All Mainers (ages 18+). This means families (households) can now earn bikes together!
Youth Earn a Bike
Youth Earn a Bike is a free education program for youth ages 12-17, who are seeking affordable transportation/health options and would not otherwise have the economic means to purchase a bike from the Portland Gear Hub or another local bike shop. This program builds skill sets that help youth ride bikes with basic knowledge, self-sufficiency, and confidence. Topics will include basic bike safety & bike handling skills, and we’ll provide a platform to learn more and ask questions. For more information click here!
Bikes For All Mainers
Bikes for All Mainers is a free educational program offering adults an opportunity to earn a bicycle and build skills in basic bike maintenance and traffic awareness. This program is specifically designed to provide a bicycle as a means of affordable transportation and recreation for anyone without the economic means to purchase a bicycle from the Portland Gear Hub or other local bike shops.